
MacSim is a cycle-level, heterogeneous architecture simulator for x86, ARM, NVIDIA PTX, and Intel GPU instructions. The simulator project has been supported by Intel, NSF, and Sandia National Lab

Macsim GitHub

Intel GPU Macsim GitHub For Intel GPU traces, please contact

Intel GPU simulator is publicly available! Check out the simulator HERE. Please refer to the following paper Performance Characterisation and Simulation of Intel's Integrated GPU Architecture (ISPASS'18) for more detailed information.

Stay tuned! We are preparing to release Intel GPU traces of various workloads from Intel OpenCL samples and Rodinia benchmark suites.

Tutorials at HPCA'12 and ISCA'12

We've developed a power model for GPU architecture using McPAT. Please refer to the following paper for more detailed information. Power Modeling for GPU Architecture using McPAT (TODAES'14)

We've characterised the performance of Intel's integrated GPUs using MacSim. Please refer to the following paper for more detailed information. Performance Characterisation and Simulation of Intel's Integrated GPU Architecture (ISPASS'18)

If you are interested in the MacSim simulator, send an email to